Reminder. Parent cheer meeting is today in the fine arts center, at 3pm.

JES Updates

Lexia Superstars! 🥳

Third grade Lexia Superstars!🎉

Friday, March 14. Good morning! Riverview bus routes 38 and 41 are not going to be able to run their routes this morning as all train tracks in Kensett are blocked by trains since 5:30 am. We are not sure when the tracks will be cleared. Students that cannot make it to school because of this will be excused. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Parents and Community Members:
You are invited to any of the times we have scheduled for this informative meeting where we will discuss important topics related to student achievement and success.
During this session we will cover topics like:
School Data: Insights into student performance and school progress.
Student Success Plans: Strategies and supports in place to help all students succeed.
Pathways for Students: Exploring the different academic and career pathways we offer to ensure every student has options for their future.
We want your involvement and feedback.
Save the date!

Little Dribblers 🏀

KES vs Cedar Ridge 🏀

We are proud to recognize our All-State and All-Conference basketball players for their hard work, dedication, and achievements this season! Your commitment and talent have represented Riverview with pride. GO RAIDERS!

Sundials casting a shadow to tell time.

Sr Class meeting announcement. We need all Sr's to be here on this day during Advisory.

Reminder: Tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon RJHS and RHS bookfair is having their family night from 3:30 to 6:30 in the high school library. Come and visit!!!

3rd graders reviewing treble clef with play dough in music!

3rd graders reviewing treble clef with play dough in music!

Ms. Taylor's Human Anatomy classes started their big dissection project!

Painting after nap time is always a blast 🎉😉

KES vs Bradford Pee Wee Basketball 🏀

KES vs Bradford Pee Wee Basketball 🏀

Fifth grade students learned about lights and shadows today during science.

Ms Taylor's Biology classes playing Battle of the Beaks learning about adaptations and Natural Selection!