Creepy Carrots! Kindergarten used STEM to build a fence around their carrot.
over 2 years ago, Heather Parrish
Meaningful Monday! Emmett Swaite loves to hold the door for fellow students every morning. #RAIDERSARELEADERS
over 2 years ago, Heather Parrish
Meaningful Monday! Allison Johnson (5th) is Reading to Kindergarten! #RAIDERSARELEADERS
over 2 years ago, Heather Parrish
It’s JES Book Fair Week! Parent night will be during conferences Thursday evening.
over 2 years ago, Heather Parrish
Red Ribbon Week
over 2 years ago, Heather Parrish
JES Parent Update
over 2 years ago, Heather Parrish
Red Ribbon Week at the High School/Jr High
over 2 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High/High School
KES Book Fair will be this week and during the PT Conferences on Thursday from 3:30-7:30 pm. 📖
over 2 years ago,
KES Information Update
over 2 years ago,
The City of Kensett is under a Boil order possibly through Wednesday. Kensett Elementary will be OPEN for school. The school district will have bottled water available for students to drink. If possible please send your child with water also. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Susan Blockburger
3rd grade students worked together to create a castle from the story, The Whipping Boy.
over 2 years ago,
Fun at the petting zoo!
over 2 years ago,
Mrs. DeMario’s 1st graders are creating number bonds in math.
over 2 years ago,
Kensett water department has announced a break in the main water line and recommends a boil order.
over 2 years ago,
Many of you are aware that the Judsonia gym has been closed due to cracks in the outside wall. The board did get a report this week from engineers that the cracks are caused by settling of the building due to the high clay content of the soil shrinking from the drought. Structural engineers are now developing a plan to fix the situation. Once the plan is developed, the board will meet to discuss it. We are working to resolve the situation as soon as possible and we thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this. Stan Stratton Superintendent
over 2 years ago, Stan Stratton
Juniors and Seniors heard about the programs and opportunities at the University of Arkansas today! For seniors interested, priority deadlines for admission is Nov 1, with Nov 15 being the scholarship priority deadline.
over 2 years ago, Coach Hill
High School
High School
Mr. Clausen's classes wrote a personal narrative essay and the best were featured in class. Great work from our superstar students!
over 2 years ago, Coach Hill
High School
Town Hall meeting with Mr. Stratton at KES.
over 2 years ago,
Parent Teacher Conferences are next week!
over 2 years ago, Susan Blockburger
Positive Vibes go out to Jacoby for being thoughtful and paying for another students field trip. 💜
over 2 years ago,