RHS Parents/Guardians, As we approach the end of the year, we want to acknowledge our students for all their hard work and academic success throughout this unforgettable year. To do this with safety in mind, we have had to make some changes to two of our annual awards events. On Friday, April 30th, RHS will host our Annual Awards Ceremony in the FAC during SOAR (10:20). Due to current guidelines, this event is not open to the public. All RHS students are encouraged to attend as we celebrate academic successes, scholarship awards, and senior program completers. On May 3rd, RHS will host our annual scholars awards. Due to current guidelines, this will be an awards ceremony only. Invitations were sent home this week to all scholars who met the requirements. Seating is limited, so please contact the high school counselor to RSVP by Wednesday, April 28th.
over 3 years ago, Justin Luttrell
8th Grade Art students learning how to basket weave in class today.
over 3 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Jr High
Jr High
Jr High
Parents/Guardians, The Riverview School District is pleased to announce the Raider Virtual Academy, our virtual learning option for the 2021-2022 school year. All interested parents/guardians should review our video orientation and application process on our website or at the link below for details. https://tinyurl.com/RVAapplicationProcess Open Enrollment for the Raider Virtual Academy will begin Monday, April 26, and end on Friday, May 07, 2021. Applicants will not be able to access the application form outside of this time frame. Please contact your building principal for questions.
over 3 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Congratulations to our senior baseball and softball athletes honored in our pregame ceremony tonight.
over 3 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Congratulations to our Riverview Choirs in their accomplishments at CPA and State Choir Festival! Region CPA: Jr. High Girl's Choir- Superior Ratings Jr. High Boy's Choir- Excellent Rating Sr. High Women's Choir- Superior Ratings Sr. High Men's Choir- Superior Ratings Chamber Singers- Excellent Ratings State Choir Festival: Sr. High Women's Choir- Superior Ratings Sr. High Men's Choir- Superior Ratings Chamber Singers- Superior Ratings All groups were STATE CHAMPS in their classification!
over 3 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Mrs. White's small group concluded today with creating paintings of positive messages to remind themselves of positive self talk. Throughout the course of the small group meetings, students have discussed positivity in thoughts, self esteem, and coping.
over 3 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Mrs. Roach’s class get to enjoy their novel “Maniac Magee” after a long morning of testing on the ACT Aspire. We are proud of all students testing this week! 🌟Keep up the good work.
over 3 years ago, Heather Parrish
Class of 2021, Graduation is just around the corner, and RHS is so proud of all the accomplishments our students have achieved! In preparation, we are attaching the senior event calendar given out to seniors at our meeting in early April. Due to current safety guidelines, we will be limiting graduation capacity to 50%. Each graduate will receive 10 graduation ceremony tickets on Thursday, April 29th during SOAR. At this meeting, we will also hand out any remaining fines, fees, or equipment your student may owe. All students should have their accounts cleared by May 7, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact the high school office at 501-279-7700.
over 3 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Boys soccer got their 2nd conference win in a row with a 5-1 victory over Conway Christian this afternoon. Very proud of our boys!!!
over 3 years ago, Coach Hill
Sr High
Lots of fun at the annual fishing derby this morning. A good crowd of 40-50 people enjoyed lunch, we drew for door prizes, and just appreciated the time we got to spend outside together. Oh, and a lot of fish were caught too! Good times by all!!!
over 3 years ago, Coach Hill
Fishing Derby
Fishing Derby
Fishing Derby
Fishing Derby
7th grade students are busy making trading cards inspired by baseball cards, clay animal bowls, and learning to use acrylic paint on canvas.
over 3 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Jr. High
Jr High
Jr High
Two good wins for soccer today over conference foe Mountain View at home today! Girls win 3-2; Boys win 10-0. Great job Raiders!!!
over 3 years ago, Coach Hill
Sr high
Congratulations to Mikah Lawson for signing her intent with the Crowley’s Ridge Lady Pioneer Softball team today. We are so proud of you!
over 3 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Very proud of our 7th and Jr Track athletes competing at Beebe this week!
over 3 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Jr High
Jr High
Jr High
It is time to register Pre-K and Kindergarten students for the 2021-2022 school year. The registration is located on our district webpage in the top right corner or on the link below. Please share with friends and family. https://www.riverviewsd.org/
over 3 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Plant Life Fun in Kindergarten!
over 3 years ago, Heather Parrish
Dear Parents and Guardians, Please use the link below to see the revised mask requirements for Riverview School District effective April 9,2021. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-gemhHckguYhauXgsCBcIw5mGUMZok6n/view?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, Judy Ballard
Happy National Public Health Week! Hats off to each elementary school nurse! We are thankful for YOU! 💜
almost 4 years ago, Heather Parrish
Kindergarten dissecting owl pellets! 🦉 #nature
almost 4 years ago, Heather Parrish
🐣🐥🐣🐥🐣 Enroll your Pre-K and Kindergarten student now! It’s online. https://www.riverviewsd.org/
almost 4 years ago,