Judsonia Elementary School is all about reading right now. We are starting our first Read-a-thon and are very excited about getting our students to read, read, read!  We plan to provide each of our students with an on-level book to add to their home libraries (possibly more). We also plan to purchase new playground toy bins and new playground toys such as balls, jump-ropes, hoola hoops and more, for all of our students to enjoy!  Students are also able to win prizes throughout the duration of our Read-a-thon, based on their minutes read and their collected donations. Ready Set Read!
almost 4 years ago, Heather Parrish
Parents/Guardians, In preparation for the ACT for all juniors tomorrow (3/09), please be sure to review the following information and tips for success. Good luck, juniors!
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Riverview Parents/Guardians, Please see one of the following links to view the updated Parent Memo from our Superintendent, Mr. Stan Stratton. Click here for English https://tinyurl.com/ParentUpdate030521 Haga clic aquí para español https://tinyurl.com/comunidad030521
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Junior High Honor Roll celebrated with a pizza party!🎉
almost 4 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Parents/Guardians of Juniors (11th Graders), Juniors at RHS will take the ACT next Tuesday, March 9th. ALL students (including virtual) are required to come to campus to test. We are asking students to report to campus at as close to 7:30 am as possible. Juniors should go directly to the gym lobby. Juniors will have an opportunity grab breakfast on their way. Juniors will need to limit all electronic devices (including, but not limited to, cell phones, mac books, smart watches, etc.) by leaving these devices at home or in their car during testing. If any electronic devices are brought to school during testing, they will be collected and returned at the end of testing. Any junior who hasn't filled out demographic information and non-test information needs to come to campus to meet with Mrs. Jones any day this week at 10:30am or 1:30pm. You can also reach Mrs. Jones via email at amber.jones@riverviewsd.org. A signed opt-in form must be brought or completed prior to filling out the non-test information. Parents can fill it out electronically at the following link: http://bit.ly/rhactoptin.
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Congratulations to the RHS Quiz Bowl Team for placing 4th in the Regional Tournament this past weekend. They will compete in the State Quiz Bowl Tournament on March 13th. 2021 Members include Zion Loyd, Matthew Vandiver, Wade Jones, Cathrine Mohr, Justice Hicks, Joey Holloway, Nate Homsley, Gideon Clifton, Brandon O'Donnell, Hunter Morrison, and Matthew Hardin. Mr. Aris Ortiz, high school math teacher, is the team coach.
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Riverview Parents/Guardians, Please see one of the following links to view the updated Parent Memo from our Superintendent, Mr. Stan Stratton. Click here for English https://tinyurl.com/ParentUpdate022621 Haga clic aquí para español https://tinyurl.com/comunidad022621
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
FFA member in Livestock are evaluating virtual livestock and FFA members in Ag Mechanics are testing their knowledge of the subject through problem solving in a mock FFA competition during SOAR today.
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Riverview Parents and Guardians, Don't forget to order your yearbook by Wednesday, March 3rd, to be able to purchase at the lower price! Parents and students can send $40 with the child's name, grade, and teacher (if in elementary) to their principal's office. Jr. High and High School students can see Mrs. Hill in the library. For online orders, you can go to www. jostens.com, click on "shop your school", choose Riverview High School in Searcy, AR, and shop yearbooks. Online orders will allow all users to pay with their credit cards for a safe, fast, and secure payment option.
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
RJHS/RHS Parents and Guardians, Tonight (2/25) is our rescheduled on-site Parent/Teacher Conference. If you were unable to make an appointment to see your child's teacher for any reason and would like to set up a virtual meeting with a teacher soon, please email your child's teacher or contact your building's office for assistance.
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
RHS Parents and Guardians, Progress Reports went out this week to all students in their English classes in preparation of Parent/Teacher Conferences taking place tonight. Any student with a failing grade on the Progress Report had his/her reports mailed to the address on file in our system on Tuesday. For updated grades throughout the school year, parents and guardians can always check grades through the Home Access Center (HAC) via our website. If you need your username or password, please contact our office at 501-279-7700.
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Woodmen Life, Chapter 68 of Searcy, kindly donated a pallet of water to Kensett Elementary due to the current boil order for Kensett. Pictured are Marilyn Blackwell and Gene Thrasher. We appreciate your thoughtfulness!
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Sr Boys basketball get a big win at Roses Bud tonight 48-46 in the first round of the 2-3A District Tournament. They will play tomorrow night at Clinton beginning at 6:00. Go Raiders!
almost 4 years ago, Coach Hill
Sr High
Riverview Parents/Guardians, Thank you to everyone that has completed the parent survey. If you have not completed the survey there is still time, but the survey will close on February 26, 2021. The survey only takes 10-15 minutes to complete. The information gathered will be used as the district develops a strategic improvement plan. English https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2021EngParentSurvRSD Spanish https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/2021SpanishParentSurvRSD Thank you, Stan Stratton Superintendent
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Rose Bud HS is currently having trouble with their wifi. Lake Area Sports is live-streaming tonight’s basketball game.
almost 4 years ago, Coach Hill
Sr High
Riverview Parents/Guardians, Starting this afternoon (Tuesday, February 23rd), all buses will resume running regular routes.
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Good evening, Riverview community. Tomorrow we will return to on campus learning. There are a few roads that are still a problem for buses. This will require the following changes to bus routes: Bus #29 will not go down Varnell St. and West 8th St. Bus #34 will not go down Jones Island Road, Heathscott Road, or South River Road Bus #38 will run snow route Bus #44 will not go down Capps Road or Big 4 Road If you live on one of these roads, you may meet the bus at another stop, or, if you can, please bring your children to school. If you cannot get your child to another stop or bring them to school, they can do virtual tomorrow and not be counted absent. Please let their building’s office know if they are doing virtual. All other routes will be running their regular route. Sorry for the changes, but they are for the safety of all students riding buses. Kensett Elementary students will be provided bottled water due to the city boil order.
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
RJHS Positivity Club wrote letters to all virtual students. We look forward to all being together again!
almost 4 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Congratulations for the following RHS students who placed in the annual AR state Beta competition: Jareli Medina: 1st place, Spanish Trinity Reppenhagen: 2nd place, Visual Arts Color Photography Division II; 2nd place, Visual Arts Jewelry Division II Mattie Heathscott: 2nd place, Visual Arts Digital Art Division I Avery Jones: 3rd place, English 12 Ashley Mohr: 4th place, Creative Writing Division I Zion Loyd: 4th place, Math 12
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
RHS/RJHS Parents/Guardians, Don't forget our rescheduled in-person conferences for this Thursday, February 25th, from 3:30-7:30. Due to COVID guidelines, all parents/guardians should pre-register a time with your child's teacher(s). If you have already met with your child's teacher(s) virtually or through a phone call, you do not need to register for in-person conferences. For more information or help in registering for a conference time, please contact the building principal's office. Both are open today during regular school hours.
almost 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell