Hey Parents, drop off your Elementary AMI packets and pick up your child’s belongings today and Monday from 8:30-3:00.
over 4 years ago, Christy Bremer
Class of 2020, Please check your email for a Google Form to fill out on senior accomplishments/scholarships. This is the information we read during the graduation ceremony. If you did not get a link to the form in your email, please email your principal as soon as possible. If you do not have internet access, we will have paper forms in the high school office beginning Monday, May 11th.
over 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Seniors, Parents, and Guardians, If you are a senior, or the parent of a senior, who will be joining the military this summer and unable to attend our expected graduation ceremony in July, please contact the high school principal via the direct office line at 501-203-2351 as soon as possible.
over 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Dear Parents and Patrons of the Riverview School District: Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) packets for days 35-42 (May 11-May 20) will be as follows: Elementary: Arkansas AMI on PBS (CH 2) at myarkansaspbs.org/ArkansasAMI Jr. High/High School: review of foundational grade level skills in current AMI packets and teacher contact conferences for any students with work still out AMI Drop Off days for AMI days 20-34 will be available at the following locations on Monday, May 11, 2020 and Tuesday, May 12, 2020 from 8:30-3:00: Judsonia Elementary: Front entrance under the awning Kensett Elementary: Front entrance under the awning RJHS: Downloaded onto student MacBook or online through Google Classroom RHS: Front entrance in the foyer or online through Google Classroom All students on any campus with paper packets should submit AMI Days 20-34 at this time. Students may also submit any paper packets to their bus driver during our daily meal deliveries. The following procedures will be in place at this time: -All library books may also be returned. -All MacBooks should be returned (if students are done with work). -All Student Art and Art Club T-shirts that were ordered can be picked up in the back of the Fine Arts Center parking lot. -All band instruments should be dropped off/picked up in the back of the Fine Arts Center parking lot. -All items left in elementary classrooms will be available for pick up under the front campus awning -Yearbooks will be available for pick up as follows: Monday: Jr. High and High School Tuesday: KES and JES Extra yearbooks for $40 will be also be available. -Seniors should have all MacBooks, equipment, library books, and AMI work turned in and all fees and charges should be also be reconciled at this time in the high school office. -Any remaining AMI work for all students will be due no later than Tuesday, May 19th at 3:00.
over 4 years ago, Christy Bremer
Dear Parents and Patrons of the Riverview School District: Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) packets for days 35-42 (May 11-May 20) will be as follows: Elementary: Arkansas AMI on PBS (CH 2) at myarkansaspbs.org/ArkansasAMI Jr. High/High School: review of foundational grade level skills in current AMI packets and teacher contact conferences for any students with work still out AMI Drop Off days for AMI days 20-34 will be available at the following locations on Monday, May 11, 2020 and Tuesday, May 12, 2020 from 8:30-3:00: Judsonia Elementary: Front entrance under the awning
Kensett Elementary: Front entrance under the awning
RJHS: Downloaded onto student MacBook or online through Google Classroom
RHS: Front entrance in the foyer or online through Google Classroom All students on any campus with paper packets should submit AMI Days 20-34 at this time. Students may also submit any paper packets to their bus driver during our daily meal deliveries. The following procedures will be in place at this time: -All library books may also be returned. -All MacBooks should be returned (if students are done with work). -All Student Art and Art Club T-shirts that were ordered can be picked up in the back of the Fine Arts Center parking lot. -All band instruments should be dropped off/picked up in the back of the Fine Arts Center parking lot. -All items left in elementary classrooms will be available for pick up under the front campus awning -Yearbooks will be available for pick up as follows: Monday: Jr. High and High School Tuesday: KES and JES Extra yearbooks for $40 will be also be available. -Seniors should have all MacBooks, equipment, library books, and AMI work turned in and all fees and charges should be also be reconciled at this time in the high school office. -Any remaining AMI work for all students will be due no later than Tuesday, May 19th at 3:00.
over 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Jr High students join Mrs. White this Wednesday via Zoom for our weekly check in!
over 4 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Although Star Wars Day is Monday, May 4th, parents and students can share in many astronomical events all throughout the month of the May, including Callisto's Shadow and the annual Eta-Aquarid Meteor Shower this week! You can check out the list of stargazing events this month in the article attached. What better learning than through real-life experiences with the ones you hold most dear! https://www.space.com/33974-best-night-sky-events.html
over 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Thank you for everything you do for our students, teachers,staff, and community.
over 4 years ago, Judy Ballard
Incoming 9-12 Students and Parents, It's that time a year again! Since school is closed due to the pandemic, schedule requests for the 2020-2021 school year are now ready and available through this online google form. We ask that our students and parents review the materials sent out this week by our counseling office to make decisions on your course requests. Your school email account will be required for access. Please note that this form is for requests only and that courses are not always guaranteed. Should you have any questions or would like to speak to a counselor, simply mark this option at the end of the form, and contact will be made with the number you provide. Be on the look-out for schedule pick-up days announced later in the summer for each grade classification. Students and/or parents who do not have access to the online form should contact your building principal. https://forms.gle/smAFh5dCyVyG56cT7
over 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
As we enter another month under COVID-19 restrictions and social distancing, it is important to be aware of mental health in both children and adults. The unique circumstances brought on by the global plague has introduced many new stressors into daily life. This calendar from actionforhappiness.org encourages positivity and meaningfulness each day throughout the month of May. Check out the website for other great resources!
over 4 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
💜Hey kids, we want to bring you breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. Just be at your bus stop between 11-12. We pull out at 11:00, so however long it takes to get home from school is the estimated time it takes for us to get to your house. 💜
over 4 years ago, Christy Bremer
Parents and Guardians, In an effort to best communicate with you the educational progress of your child for the fourth quarter of this year, we have mailed progress reports home today (4/27) for your viewing. This report reflects the student’s 3rd quarter grade and completed packets for AMI days 1-10. Should your student have a grade in which he/she is unhappy, please take the next few weeks to reach out to your child’s teacher(s) to complete the AMI work. Throughout this last quarter of the school year, we have seen unparalleled times. These are uncharted waters, and we want to be to support you and your child in any way possible. Please know that the teachers, staff, and administrators at Riverview School District stand ready to help your child succeed. Please contact your building principal for any questions or concerns.
over 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Junior high students: Join Mrs. White on Wednesday for a virtual "hangout!" See friends, discuss AMI work, and positive strategies for coping with COVID19!
over 4 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
School Choice The Riverview School District is now accepting applications for students wishing to participate in the School Choice Program. The School Choice Act 560 of 2015 is the program authorized by the Arkansas General Assembly that allows parents to apply for their child's admission to participating school districts other than the one in which they reside. Applications for the 2020-2021 school year must be received on or before May 1, 2020, to be considered eligible for the coming school year. Applications should be turned in to the non-resident district which shall notify the resident district of the filing of the application. Assignments will be made on the basis of space availability. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance or rejection by July 1st. http://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/public/userfiles/Legal/School_Choice/School%20Choice%20Form%20and%20FAQ.pdf
over 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Parents/Guardians, The Riverview School District would like to formally provide information regarding our annual senior events. Due to the current closure directives from the state and the difficult challenges that face a district logistically, the 2019-2020 Prom has been postponed. The health and safety of our students is a top priority. If circumstances change and permit such events, we will re-assess the ability to host a prom at that time. As COVID-19 continues to disrupt many school traditions and memory-making events, the one tradition and ceremony we have tried tirelessly to keep on our schedule is the 2020 graduation ceremony. This ceremony is the culmination of 13 years of education experiences your child has achieved to be a high school graduate. With this in mind, we are still planning to host a graduation ceremony for all our seniors. While we understand the inconveniences associated with moving a graduation ceremony, we are not able to accommodate the current date of May 8, 2020 under current state directives. Because of the uncertainty surrounding the recent pandemic, we cannot anticipate exactly how re-emergence will take place throughout our state and nation in the coming weeks and months. Knowing we may still have to make adjustments for social distancing and other considerations, we have set the following two alternative dates and times for graduation: Our first date for the 2020, graduation ceremony will occur on Friday, June 12, 2020, at 7:00pm in the Riverview Activity Center (RAC). If our state and nation are still under social distancing regulations that limit large gatherings, we will host the 2020 graduation ceremony at a later date on Friday, July 24, 2020, at 7:00pm in the RAC. Seniors who are not able to make the graduation ceremony on the dates provided should contact the high school office at 501-203-2351 as soon as possible. Any senior who will be joining the military and unavailable because of military duties will still be recognized with a seat and announcement during the ceremony. The ceremony is planned for a live-streaming event in normal fashion via our social media pages for family members or supporters who cannot attend in person. In lieu of the senior slideshow presentation that would normally take place as part of our annual graduation week events, we are posting the senior slideshow on our school social media page for all to view in the safety of your homes. Although necessary, we understand that these changes may place an undue burden on previously planned family celebrations. This is not how senior year was suppose to end. And it’s definitely not how our district envisioned it. However, we have no doubt the class of 2020 will pull through these circumstances and start their adulthood in the positivity and hope of a brighter tomorrow for everyone. We love the senior class of 2020 and wish you all the best of luck in all your future endeavors. Remember, “Once a Raider, Always a Raider.” Please contact your campus principal for any questions or concerns.
over 4 years ago, Justin Luttrell
Jr. High AMI Art Assignments: Weaving Project and Shadow Art... Great work by our students from home!
over 4 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr. High
Jr. High
New link for School Board Meeting https://youtu.be/M637RbEzZVk
over 4 years ago, Riverview
Beautiful Art work by Alexa Bravo.
over 4 years ago, Christy Bremer
April Board Meeting streaming live at 7:00PM https://youtu.be/ELSqEUeOsT4
over 4 years ago, Riverview
The Balentine’s work on AMI packets and create side walk chalk. Thanks for sharing!
over 4 years ago, Christy Bremer