Ms. Conway's class and Mrs. Pigg's class enjoyed their yummy pie tasting today! 🥧

Second grader, Corbin Stafford and Ms. Massey enjoyed a Pie Tasting today, and the study of pie. Students sampled pumpkin, chocolate, pecan, caramel apple, and cherry pies. Thank you to our parents who helped make this possible! #thankfulRaiders

Raider Nation represented at Berryhill Park. Raiders post your pictures with the display in comments below!

RJHS / RHS corridor construction project is well underway.

Five Riverview band students participated in the Region IV All Region Jazz Band clinics and concerts in West Memphis this past weekend. Congratulations!!!

Kenzleigh, Lucca and Iris were rewarded with books for working hard and showing awesome leadership skills in class!

🎉 Ryan Reely and Stefanie Boyce🎉

RHS/RJHS is holding a committee meeting to determine to apply for the Stronger Connections Mini-grant on Tuesday November 19 at 9:00 AM in the administration building.

KES Information update

JES students and staff look forward to a yummy Thanksgiving meal! 🦃 Students can invite up to two guests. Payment and reservations are due Tuesday (by 3:00) to make sure we have availability for our guests on Friday.

JES News Updates

Mrs. Loyd's 6th graders dissected flowers while learning about pollination and plant reproduction.

Our ELD and Migrant students worked very hard on their culture projects where they had to research where they were from and present it in class. We love our kids and so proud of these students!

In art, 6th graders created a lively pumpkin composition, carefully shading their pumpkins with a consistent light source to make them pop. Then, they used warm and cool colors in a crayon resist background to make their artwork stand out with vibrant contrast!

Kindergarten is celebrating the Thanksgiving season in Mrs. Katie's class!

Centennial Bank delivered a $500 donation to Judsonia Elementary!!! THANK YOU!!!😊 We look forward to putting it to good use for our students!! 🤩🎉

In art, second graders are tapping into their creativity and experimenting with color as they use the crayon resist technique with watercolor to bring vibrant scarecrows to life!

The Riverview Raider Marching Band competed at the 4A state marching competition today. They were one of only 7 4A bands in the state to earn superior ratings (1) and received 5th place overall (out of 23)! Proud of our band program!!!

Happy Veteran’s Day! KES enjoyed having Veterans come speak and read to our classes. Thank you Mrs. Nakamura, Mr. Menser, Mr. Eudy, and Mr. Blackmon!

KES creative turkey contest-