A huge thank you to everyone for their donations and support in making our Special Olympics fundraiser a success!!!
about 6 years ago, Tracy Massey
Mrs. Bremer
Mrs. Parrish
Mr. Luttrell
Coach Hill JH Principal
The RJES Christmas Crew would like to thank all of the wonderful volunteers who donated to our very first "Christmas Cookie Exchange!". We ❤️ showing our faculty and staff how much they mean to us!
over 6 years ago, Heather Parrish
Collision/momentum Lab in Coach Falcinelli’s 8th Science class.
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Jr High
Jr High
Jr High Art students showing off their snowmen!!!
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Jr High students in Mrs. White's small group made ornaments as memorials of loved ones.
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Constructing an awesome town in the preschool block center.
over 6 years ago, Christy Bremer
Exploratory Science project with paper shoes and having a walking contest.
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Jr High
Great job by our Beginning, 8th Grade, and Jr Jazz Bands tonight at the concert! Our kids showing off the hard work they have put in the last several months. Very proud of our band students!
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Jr High
Jr High
12/11/18 KES 5th grade sharing their Snap Circuits remote control Snap Rovers with Prek.
over 6 years ago, Christy Bremer
12/7/18, KES 6th grade sharing their Snap Circuits remote control Snap Rovers with Prek.
over 6 years ago, Christy Bremer
Jr High DIY Club making Christmas cards. Chantel Beranek, pictured, showing the the good work they are doing.
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Earlier this week JR High Student Council members volunteered to collect food items and donations for this years annual Christmas Food Drive during a home basketball game. Donations will be taken up again at tonights games for some of our students needing a Christmas dinner. Thank you all for making a difference!!!
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Congratulations to Ethan and Hunter for their 2nd place finish in the Jr High doubles competition of the Special Olympics State Tournament today. We are so proud of them both!!!
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
The home basketball games tonight vs Brinkley have been cancelled.
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Congratulations to our 8th grade Band members that made All-Region Band this past Saturday. Ahren George, Wade Jones and Ebony Degree. Fantastic!!!
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Riverview was well represented at the Searcy Parade. Great job by our Band and Cheerleaders!
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
High School
8th graders in Career Development were excited to begin making plans for high school by looking at their student success plans. Special thanks to HS Counselor Ms McCoy!
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Harding University nurses sharing hygiene care with our KES girls.
over 6 years ago, Christy Bremer
The letters our students wrote to veterans in observance of Veteran's Day were very appreciated! We are proud of our students who took the time to write such meaningful letters!
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
We are excited to announce the beginning of a food pantry for students at the junior high. Our elementary schools have this program for students, and now we can keep this service for them at the junior high! We appreciate Walmart Distribution's contribution to our school!
over 6 years ago, Coach Hill
Jr High
Jr High