We love our Lunch Minions!

Fall party time!

Lunch bunch and Pre-k crew take the stage.

Mrs. Shara won the pumpkin contest today!

So many emotions inside our building during this busy day!👻😬😂😵💫 Teachers and students experience a wonderful day at JES!

Mrs. Francis and her students ended October with fall fun!! 🤩 🎃👻

Preschool started the day with Creep Carrots 🎉Then had a fall party!! 👻💕

Mrs. Conway's class had a blast during their fall party!

Cruella and 6th grade class had a happy Halloween with a glow party!
Looks like the 5th and 6th grade teachers enjoyed the day, too!

3rd Grade is loving Halloween at school!

Both JES 3rd grade classes go together like peanut butter and jelly!!🎃💕🤩

Fourth grade is rocking some awesome halloween costumes!!

5th graders carved pumpkins then made them puke.

First and Second grade students enjoyed the day!! Mrs. Chances class had a ferociously fun Fall Party!

Seniors are having a blast at the University of Arkansas-Little Rock Preview Day-Halloween Style!

RHS Red Ribbon Week Day 2! Students dressed as Heroes and Villains and picked up positive affirmations from Mrs. White during lunch to remind themselves how amazing each and every student is!

🥳 Ms. Yingling 🎉

Congratulations Mrs. Manor for the employee of the month gift card!

Strike up the band, cheerleaders, fire trucks, police officers, parents and the entire school for a Red Ribbon Parade!

Strike up the band, cheerleaders, fire trucks, police officers, parents and the entire school for a Red Ribbon Parade!