The Jr. Girls fell in a close conference battle against the Lady Falcons of Maumelle Charter. The Sr. Girls pulled away late for a 7-point victory, and the Sr. Boys dominated with a big conference win, activating the sportsmanship rule. Great job, Raiders! Special thanks to Layla, one of our awesome student photographers, for capturing these moments for the yearbook. Go Raiders!

More Preschool friends coloring while in the centers room today! 🎉😊👏

Preschool friends got the option of coloring while in the centers room today! 🎉😊👏

🎉 Exciting News for Our School Community! 🎉
We are thrilled to announce RSD has met one of its Wildly Important Goals! Thanks to the hard work, dedication, and support of our students, teachers, staff, and families, we have successfully met the state’s goal to be released from Coordinated Support! 🙌✨
The percentage of students at Level 1 in reading has decreased below 40% in 2023-2024 on Atlas the state assessment, marking an incredible improvement in our students’ literacy skills. This achievement is a testament to the collective effort of our entire community—your commitment to student success is truly making a difference. 📚💡
A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone involved—this is just the beginning of even greater progress ahead! Together, we are building brighter futures, one student at a time. 🌟
🎉 **¡Noticias emocionantes para nuestra comunidad escolar!** 🎉
¡Estamos emocionados de anunciar que RSD ha alcanzado uno de sus **Objetivos Más Importantes**! Gracias al arduo trabajo, dedicación y apoyo de nuestros estudiantes, maestros, personal y familias, ¡hemos logrado cumplir con el objetivo estatal para ser liberados del Apoyo Coordinado! 🙌✨
El porcentaje de estudiantes en el Nivel 1 en lectura ha disminuido por debajo del 40% en 2023-2024 en Atlas, la evaluación estatal, marcando una mejora increíble en las habilidades de lectura de nuestros estudiantes. Este logro es un testimonio del esfuerzo colectivo de toda nuestra comunidad: su compromiso con el éxito estudiantil realmente está marcando la diferencia. 📚💡
Un sincero **¡GRACIAS!** a todos los involucrados—esto es solo el comienzo de un progreso aún mayor. ¡Juntos, estamos construyendo futuros más brillantes, un estudiante a la vez! 🌟

The RJHS to RHS corridor clean up and painting has began. We are looking forward to having the safe connection for students to move between these two buildings.

🌟 January is School Board Appreciation Month! 🌟
This month, let's take a moment to recognize and thank the dedicated school board members who work tirelessly to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed. 📚✨
From making tough decisions to championing our schools' goals, these leaders play a crucial role in shaping the future of education in our community. Their commitment to students, teachers, and families doesn’t go unnoticed. 👏👏
Join us in celebrating their hard work, passion, and dedication! Drop a thank-you below and tag a school board member who’s making a difference! 💙
Pictured left to right: Darren Gordon, Keith Baker, Owen Mobley, Robyn Roach, Stephanie Sellers, and Rocky Joslin. not pictured: Jeremy Ramsey
🌟 ¡Enero es el Mes de Apreciación a los Miembros de la Junta Escolar! 🌟
Este mes, tomemos un momento para reconocer y agradecer a los dedicados miembros de la junta escolar que trabajan incansablemente para asegurar que cada estudiante tenga la oportunidad de tener éxito. 📚✨
Desde tomar decisiones difíciles hasta apoyar los objetivos de nuestras escuelas, estos líderes juegan un papel fundamental en la formación del futuro de la educación en nuestra comunidad. 👏👏
¡Únete a nosotros para celebrar su arduo trabajo, pasión y dedicación! Deja un agradecimiento en los comentarios y etiqueta a un miembro de la junta escolar que está marcando la diferencia. 💙
De izquierda a derecha: Darren Gordon, Keith Baker, Owen Mobley, Robyn Roach, Stephanie Sellers y Rocky Joslin. No aparece en la foto: Jeremy Ramsey.

🎉Celebrating Ms. Miller 🎉

Jr High Bradford Tournament semi-finals were tonight with both Jr Boys and Girls pfalling to the home team. Back at it tomorrow night at home vs Maumelle Charter. Go Raiders!

Some of Ms. Rogers' 6th grade music students went above and beyond to become "black belts" in learning to play an instrument called a Recorder!🪈🥋🤩 Each one learned to play 9 different songs on it! Way to go! 🎊🎵

Pre-k students made fruit salad today! We are learning about health and nutrition!

Ms. Taylor's Human Anatomy classes practicing taking their heart rate and blood pressure!

Students used oil pastels to create vibrant tie-dye effects in art, exploring color theory and blending techniques!

Students used oil pastels to create vibrant tie-dye effects in art, exploring color theory and blending techniques!

Virtual Arkansas students talking to their teachers on their lessons. We have so many taking virtual classes based on their interest. We are proud of you all!

Last week kindergartners created scissor salad in art, exploring texture, shape, and color while strengthening their fine motor skills!

Just a reminder that there will be no school for students on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Solo un recordatorio de que no habrá clases para los estudiantes el lunes 20 de enero, en observancia del Día de Martin Luther King Jr.

Exciting basketball tonight in the Riverview Activity Center this evening. Sr Boys win a big conference game over the Harding Academy Wildcats while our Jr teams and Sr Girls team fall to the Wildcats. Play at home again this Friday night vs Maumelle Charter. Go Raiders!

College and Career Fair Information:
Calling all businesses, colleges, and industry professionals in the health field, wielding, plumbing, electricians, and beyond! We invite you to connect with our students and graduates at our 3rd Annual Job Fair. This event is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your organization, network with future professionals and explore potential partnerships.
Contact us today to learn more about how you can participate. Together, let's build a better community!

ASU Newport spoke to juniors and seniors about a variety of opportunities including cosmetology, ag tech, and lineman programs!

After studying Jim Dine and exploring his artwork, second graders are focused as they paint vibrant backgrounds for their upcoming project inspired by his work.