ASU Newport spoke to juniors and seniors about a variety of opportunities including cosmetology, ag tech, and lineman programs!

After studying Jim Dine and exploring his artwork, second graders are focused as they paint vibrant backgrounds for their upcoming project inspired by his work.

Mr. Brown chemistry students practicing there lab techniques.

Congratulations to our 5th and 6th grade students who achieved honor roll and perfect attendance eligibility!! 🎊😍

Congratulations to our 4th grade students who achieved honor roll and perfect attendance eligibility!! 🎊😍

Congratulations to our 3rd grade students who achieved eligibility for honor roll and perfect attendance!🎊😍

Congratulations to our 2nd grade students who achieved honor roll eligibility for the second nine weeks!! 😍🎊

Congratulations to 1st grade students who achieved honor roll eligibility and perfect attendance for the second nine weeks! 😍🎊

The construction project on the corridor linking RJHS and RHS has really moved along the last several weeks. It is getting close to being finished.

We have a Menu change for lunches this week at JES and KES.

Second grader Barrett Haigwood enjoying Friday's snow day! 💜🖤

❄️KES information updates ❄️

JES updates

More lazer game time! 🤩 Students and staff had fun!😎

Lazer tag games were a hit for celebrating excellent attendance!

Kindergarten and first grade students playing lazer tag! Way to meet attendance goals!

We are proud of our Raiders and their accomplishments last semester in college courses taken through our partnership with ASU Searcy and Beebe!

🎉Recognizing Wendy Ellis🎉

Riverview School District will be closed Friday January 10. Riverview is on an alternative calendar and students will NOT have to make up this snow day unless there is any changes in the laws. Our current last day of school is May 22, 2025.
Raiders enjoy the snow day and stay safe and warm!
El Distrito Escolar de Riverview estará cerrado el viernes 10 de enero. Riverview sigue un calendario alternativo y los estudiantes NO tendrán que recuperar este día de nieve, a menos que haya cambios en las leyes. El último día de clases actual es el 22 de mayo de 2025.
¡Raiders, disfruten el día de nieve y manténganse seguros y abrigados!

Congrats to the JES 6th grade students who met their December iReady Math Goals!