KES PTO Christmas picture information

Reminder: JES PTO fundraiser: Christmas Pictures are this Thursday Dec. 12. Get 2 5X7s for $6 (up to 4 students in a photo) This makes a cute gift or keepsake!🎄

KES information updates

❄️2024 KES Snowball Dance 🪩

❄️2024 KES Snowball Dance 🪩

JES News Updates

Riverview School District will be having Town Hall Meetings to discuss the possibility of reorganizing the elementary school buildings. Both elementary schools provide education to Pre-K - 6th grade students currently. At this Town Hall meeting the district will discuss advantages and challenges and seek input from parents on reorganizing the elementary buildings into a Pre-K - 2nd grade Building and a 3rd - 6th grade Building.
EL Distrito Escolar de Riverview tendrá reuniones de la comunidad para discutir la posibilidad de reorganizar los edificios de las escuelas primarias. Ambas escuelas primarias actualmente brindan educación a estudiantes desde Pre-K hasta el 6to grado. En esta reunión de la comunidad, el distrito discutirá las ventajas y desafíos, y buscará la opinión de los padres sobre la reorganización de los edificios de la primaria en un edificio para Pre-K hasta 2do grado y un edificio para 3er hasta 6to grado.

6th grade students competed in the school spelling bee. The top 3 finalists will advance to the White County Spelling Bee. 1st place-Guadalupe Martinez 2nd place-Ana McKnight 3rd place-Kendal Prince

5th grade students competed in the school spelling bee. The top 3 finalists will advance to the White County Spelling Bee. 1st place-Makayla Davis 2nd place-Ryleigh Vaughn 3rd place-Case Taylor

Riverview Optimist Octagon Club partnered with Searcy Optimist to shop for local residents during the Christmas for Kids drive. Riverview students enjoyed helping others and worked diligently the last few weeks. This service project provided Christmas to over 30 local families. I appreciate all of their hard work. Special thanks to Danielle Wilson for entrusting us to shop for kids. It feels good to be a Raider❤️

Art and music students enjoyed being creative in designing ornaments for the JES Christmas tree!!

Some elves in third grade today. Had an extra special elf today too!

Today we showed off our Festive Flannel at RJHS. GO RAIDERS!

Isaac Martinez was chosen as Camper of the Week in Mrs. Evans’ class for his improved effort and behavior!

Elf Day!

So many cute JES elves!! 🧝 🧝♀️

Ms Kali Goff from Centennial bank spoke to 8th grade careers classes about careers in banking.

Riverview’s first year to compete in Unified Special Olympics.
Teams placed 2nd, 3rd, and 5th at State Games!

What a terrific Winter Concert by both our Jr and Sr High choirs in front of a packed house in our Fine Building tonight. Great Time By All!!!

Riverview Unified Team state bowling