Candy Cane Lane!

Riverview's first year competing in Unified Special Olympics. Teams placed 2nd, 3rd, and 5th at State Games. Congratulations Raiders!
Check out this video from their events. https://youtu.be/Frj7_WgNTo0

Thank you KES PTO for the cookies!

JES 12 Days of Christmas dress up days are here! Check out today's Candy Cane Lane!
Tomorrow is dress like an Elf!

Congrats to the 5th and 6th graders that made their iReady math goals!

Many of our Jr's did receive their class rings last week from Jostens. What a special time for these students!

Mrs. Roach's 6th grade received their student created books today! They are officially published authors of their piece titled, "Goodbye Elementary, Hello Junior High." This piece holds memories of each grade level the students have experienced and what they are looking forward to about junior high next year!

JES Preschool art time!

Open enrollment time for Riverview HIPPY - Home based school readiness program for 2 - 5 year olds.

KES PTO Family movie night 🍿

Riverview School District will be having Town Hall Meetings to discuss the possibility of reorganizing the elementary school buildings. Both elementary schools provide education to Pre-K - 6th grade students currently. At this Town Hall meeting the district will discuss advantages and challenges and seek input from parents on reorganizing the elementary buildings into a Pre-K - 2nd grade Building and a 3rd - 6th grade Building.
El Distrito Escolar de Riverview tendrá reuniones de la comunidad para discutir la posibilidad de reorganizar los edificios de las escuelas primarias. Ambas escuelas primarias actualmente brindan educación a estudiantes desde Pre-K hasta el 6to grado. En esta reunión de la comunidad, el distrito discutirá las ventajas y desafíos, y buscará la opinión de los padres sobre la reorganización de los edificios de la primaria en un edificio para Pre-K hasta 2do grado y un edificio para 3er hasta 6to grado.

🎉 Performance Recognition 🎉


KES Information Update

JES News Updates

The Riverview Choirs will have their annual Winter Concert this coming Thursday, December 5th at the Riverview Fine Arts Center. Doors will open to the public at 6 pm. Please come out to support these wonderful musicians!

Thanksgiving is family time.

Congratulations to our Superb Raider, Bentley Carroll, for working hard and never giving up.

Congratulations to our Superb Raiders, JaLeah Miller and Yansi Garcia, for being hard workers in their classroom.

Congratulations to our Superb Raider, Thomas Wilson,for being a proactive student and leader.