Riverview Yearbooks are now on sale, and we have a great deal! Each campus will have a drawing. Our first sales period is from now until October 20th. If you buy within this period, your name will go into a drawing to win a free yearbook or a chick-fil-A gift card! You may order online at jostensyearbooks.com or go to riverviewsd.org, click on menu, links, and click on the yearbook link. You may also pick up a form at school. All personalization is online! Right now personalization in $6 with four free icons. Don't forget to take advantage of our drawing and free icons!
8th graders enjoyed the career fair today. Mrs. English worked hard to get this organized for our students!
Jr. Raider Football gets a big conference win tonight at CAC 20-6. Great Win!!!
Sportsmanship and Smiles!
CAC Cheerleaders presented Riverview Cheerleaders with a platter of cupcakes to welcome us to their field. What a way to start the evening. Thank you to both teams for showing the true spirit of sportsmanship.
Eighth graders in career development visited the BeProBeProud mobile today. They enjoyed a presentation on technical careers and experienced some of those careers through virtual and hands on activities.
Mrs. Harlow’s class learned about Arkansas #1 cash crop...rice. Plants brought in by a local rice farmer today. We appreciate our community helping us learn. 🤗
RKES CRaZy FuN DaY, 3rd,4th,5th & 6th gr. Participants!
CRaZy FuN DAy!
Crazy FuN at RKES today!
Crazy FuN at RKES today!
Crazy FuN at RKES today!
Crazy Fun at RKES today!
Attention Riverview Parents, Students, and Community Members: As many of you are aware, rumors have been quickly circulating overnight on social media about a student issue at the high school yesterday. A student did make an inappropriate comment yesterday morning, and it was reported immediately to our staff and administration. Our staff, SRO, and principals handled the issue quickly and efficiently. No students were in danger at any time and there were NO weapons on campus yesterday. The appropriate actions were taken by the administration to make sure all students, including the student in question, were safe and receiving the help they needed. I want to commend Officer Williams. Mr. Luttrell, and Mr. Rush for how well they handled a difficult situation and thank them for working hard to keep everyone safe. Again, we always focus on student and staff safety and if a legitimate threat had been present, further actions would have been taken. Please help share and/or correct anyone who has been misinformed by the rumors circulating.
RKES picture day is Wednesday, September 26. Picture forms have gone home. Check those backpacks. 😊
RJHS students taking part in Homecoming festivities. Everyone come out to the booster club bon fire tonight beginning at 7:00!
Aloha from RKES crew.
Aloha from RKES 5th & 6th gr teachers.
Aloha from RKES 3rd, 4th and speech teachers.
Aloha from RKES Kindergarten teachers
Aloha from RKES 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th gr.