Congratulations to our Superb Raider, Emma Carter, for being a good friend to all those who are around her!

Congratulations to our Superb Raider, Camdyn Sutherland, for working hard and always completing her work.

Congratulations to our Superb Raider, Ashlyn McArtor, for showing initiative and taking care of her classroom!

Congratulations to our Superb Raider, Gabe Curtis, for always staying positive with an "I Can" attitude!

Congratulations to our Pre-K Superb Raiders for learning to be proactive!

Congratulations to our Pre-K Superb Raiders for learning to be proactive!

Congratulations to our Pre-K Superb Raiders for learning to be proactive!

Congratulations to our Pre-K Superb Raiders for learning to be proactive.

Congratulations to our Superb Raider, Kylie Jackson, for being so helpful to every teacher!

6th graders working on Punnett Squares while learning about Heredity and Genetics.

Judsonia Elementary Library is having a "Book Character Pumpkin Contest" in conjunction with the Scholastic Book Fair next week! Prizes will be awarded!

Seniors! Don't miss out on great opportunities!!!

🌟 Happy Boss Day! 🌟
Today, we want to take a moment to recognize our amazing superintendent, Stan Stratton. Your leadership, vision, and unwavering dedication to our students and staff inspire us every day!
Thank you for your commitment to creating a positive learning environment and for always putting our community first. We appreciate all you do to make our district a better place!
🌟 ¡Feliz Día del Jefe! 🌟
Hoy, queremos tomarnos un momento para reconocer a nuestro increíble superintendente, Stan Stratton. ¡Tu liderazgo, visión y dedicación inquebrantable a nuestros estudiantes y personal nos inspiran cada día!
¡Gracias por tu compromiso de crear un ambiente de aprendizaje positivo y por siempre poner a nuestra comunidad en primer lugar! Agradecemos todo lo que haces para que nuestro distrito sea un mejor lugar.

Seniors-Important dates for U of A!

Today Computer Science students learned some AI and Coding concepts ranging from Circuit Playground to manipulating Gandolf (AI) into giving us the password on gandolf.lakera.ai.
Thanks to Instructor Alex Moeller from the Wilbur D. Mills CO-OP who helped facilitate the training.

Fausto Roman and Emma Homsley were the past two Leaders of the week in Ms. Conway's class! Sophie Davidson earned a gold coin from Mrs. Roach for hitting a reading goal! 💜

Malakai received a gold coin for always putting first things first in the classroom!

Parent Teacher Conferences at RJHS & RHS are Tuesday Oct. 22.
Las conferencias de padres y maestros en RJHS y RHS son el martes 22 de octubre.

Congratulations to Mrs. Barbara Hadley for winning the October Employee of the month drawing! She chose a sonic gift card, sponsored by KES PTO.

Mrs. DeMario's class engaging in math.